CHARLES W. HOUGHTON, physician and surgeon, Easton; was born in Menard Co., in what is known as Rock Creek Precinct, in 1836, and came to this county in 1854, and finished reading medicine with Dr. Mastick, with whom, afier finishing his medical course, he entered into partnership in the practice of medicine near where the village of Kilbourne is located. This partnership cominued until I860, when it was dissolved, and Dr. Houghton moved to the town of Bath in this county. In August of the following year, he relinquished his lucrative and extending practice, and raised a company for the war, which was mustered into the service as Company D, 85th I. V. I. He continued with the company as its commander through all the campaigns and battles in which it was engaged, until 1864, when he resigned his commission and returned to Bath and to his practice, which he continued f«r five years; he then moved to Newmanville, Cass Co. On the completion of the I., B. & W. Railroad, he returned to Mason Co., in 1873, and took up his residence at the new village of Easton, on that line, building the first residence in the place; here he has continued until the present time, and enjoys an extensive practice. The Doctor was married, in 1856, to Miss Mary F. Mitchell, a step-daughter of J. G. Conovor, one of the early and prominent pioneers of Illinois and of this county. They have had two children, a son named Corry F., who died in 1876, aged 17, and a daughter, Eva, born in 1865.